
Make a Donation

The Ketamine Research Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3).

We build staff as projects mature and needs are delineated.

Donations may be earmarked for projects the donor wishes to support and otherwise will be applied at the discretion of KRF to core structural needs or to project support. Overhead is deliberately kept low to maximize the potency of donations.

Support our transformative work by making a donation. To donate via credit card or Paypal click the “Make A Donation” button below.

To make a donation via check, please mail to:

The Ketamine Research Foundation
6 Crest Road
San Anselmo, CA 94960

If you’d like to make a donation using PayPal, simply click the “donate” button below.

And if you’d like us to process your credit card directly, you can use the form below to process your donation.


Our Platform

  • KRF is the leading ketamine assisted psychotherapy organization in the world.
  • We have developed as the free-standing research organization developing the options for utilizing ketamine to benefit human beings.
  • We are the preeminent training organization with over 900 practitioners trained. We are producing Eight or more major programs in 2023-2025 including bringing KAP to Israel, Europe-Barcelona, Mexico, Australia, and South America.
  • Our Ketamine Training Center is originating new programs to access KAP with our advanced trainingsand our dharma-k exploration of the integration of spirit and spiritual practices with the meditative expansiveness of the ketamine experience.
  • Our Ketamine Psychotherapy Associates (KPA) membership organization has grown to over 100 practitioners with new members joining frequently
  • We remain the only organization with access to careavailable to KPA members offering financial support to those who cannot afford treatment.
  • We are publishing our work and generating public awareness. Recognition of KRF is growing rapidly.
  • We have been publishing mass circulation articles on the proper use of ketamine as an assisted psychotherapy and on the issues of misuse and abuse—prevention, motivation, seeking help, and treatment. We are initiating Instagram and TikTok series to reach younger people and diverse populations
  • We have opened the door to treating adolescents and their families with our recent publication in Frontiers of Psychiatry.
  • We published a definitive article in Frontiers of Psychiatry on Ketamine and KAP in 2024.
  • We are in a relationship with progressive ‘Therapeutics Inc (PTI), which shares development perspectives, patent, and mutual assistance. 

Overall Objectives for 2024-2025

Our Research Programs and their Funding Goals

Overview: As we are able to design and perform research within the legal status of ketamine—WHO/worldwide –we are in the process of developing protocols to be funded and administered under KRF’s non-profit umbrella. We are welcoming of new creative initiatives and are developing relations with collaborating researchers. Each project has its own cost center and donations to KRF may be earmarked. Studies are IRB approved and registered.

Our Program Initiatives

Protocol for Ketamine Treatment of Acute Emotional Trauma and Distress

In awareness of ketamine’s potential for the treatment of acute agitation, suicidality, and PTSD, and in response to the many horrors being visited on humans, we have just begun the development of ketamine protocols for the treatment of emotional reactions to acute traumatization. We have sent out our initial protocol as widely as possible in an effort to provide a guide to ketamine’s use as therapeutics applicable to acute trauma. KRF is serving as an initiator and a ground to which practitioners may turn. This is a collaboration and to that end we are building an international body, what we are calling the ICG, to create the conditions for applying ketamine and other modalities for acute care. This is unprecedented and we are developing a literature to validate our methodology. Developing the protocol with intensive feedback from those on the ground is essential. This is a cooperative project and will grow in its scope and needs. It is created in the spirit of service and beyond borders with the intention of caring, kindness and sharing. We are directly supporting trauma work with ketamine in the Ukraine. Our attempt to provide trauma training with ketamine in Israel/Palestine continues—with difficulty.

$35,000 | budget   


Ketamine for Menstrually Related Disorders—PMS and PMDD

KRF has focused on Women’s Health and wellbeing with a new project to demonstrate the effectiveness of ketamine for PMS and PMDD. We are pleased to report that we are successfully navigating the FDA IND approval process and have breakthroughs in the first use of sublingual lozenges with esketamine and at home use of esketamine in this low dose format based on treating the symptoms of PMDD as they arise. Previously, based on our clinical experience through our sister Center for Transformational Psychotherapy, we conducted a small study demonstrating the extraordinary effectiveness of low dose ketamine given in response to the arising of symptoms of PMS/PMDD. This led to a use patent for this indication, the benefit of patenting being widespread access. It is our strong belief that women worldwide will benefit from episodic use on an intermittent basis with provision for at-home administration as needed, This is a breakthrough for women suffering in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle providing a restitution of well-being and presence.

Our protocol is in process with the FDA with their approval of its essential features. We will begin to open the study to subjects by October.

$225,000 is our budget 

The Post-Partum Depression Protocol

The Foundation has patented the use of ketamine for Post-Partum Depression (PPD) which is novel.  We are developing commercialization with an exclusive contract with PTI for which we have received equity. We are in protocol development for a multi-site PPD KAP model treatment program which we believe will demonstrate great success in benefitting new mothers without affecting breast feeding or exposing infants to medications. Our groundbreaking ketamine and lactation study has assured us of this. Anticipated project initiation is in Spring 2025. There Is great interest in this as a significant new treatment for women suffering with PPD.

 $1,000,000 is our budget

The KAP Clinical Review 

As the creator and initiator of KAP, we published our study of 235 patients in  2019. It remains the cornerstone of KAP’s success story. In the intervening years, we have accumulated experience and data for over 700 additional patients, digitized in Vanderbilt University’s Redcap program, making it highly accessible for us to publish a major new report to the field. This project entails completing the patient charts under HIPAA compliance and with our statistician compiling the data and its presentation for a paper that in high detail reflects KAP practice.  We are beginning with the smaller number of our Adolescent Patients as there is no clinical report in the literature, other than our qualitative paper.

$75,000 is our budget


The Phantom Limb Pain Protocol

Ketamine has indications for potential benefit for a variety of paid disorders, including phantom limb pain. Based on a profound anecdote our story appearing in Lucid News, we are conducting a proof of concept study to assess ketamine’s potential benefit for this syndrome that causes so much suffering.

$50,000 is our budget

KRF Structure and Funding Goals

  • Access to Care $100,000—available to our practitioners who are members of KPA.  See the information on the KRF site for this unique support for patients who cannot afford fees for KAP.
  • Ketamine Library now rebuilt with public access  $15,000
  • The Ketamine Training Center—self-supporting
  • The BIPOC scholarship support program—in collaboration with The Trauma Research Foundation and Individual Supporters—for diversity in the psychedelic space—A first BIPOC program will occur this coming April at Menla Retreat Center $50,000
  • Ketamine Psychotherapy Associates (KPA): A Program of KRF supporting KAP and KAP Practices Internationally. Supported entirely by membership fees and continually growing in numbers. We have over 100 practitioners developing their KAP programs across the U.S. — included in KPA is the Ketamine Data Project—the seminal source for collecting data and reporting it for KAP and growing our clinical knowledge of ketamine’s effects, problems, and outcomes.
  • The KAP Music Library—An expanding Playlist Library for Patient and Practitioner Use in Support of KAP sessions– by a group of our musicologists.

Our Program

  • Develop through research and clinical applications, the arising awareness of the potentialities and applications of ketamine for human benefits.
  • Develop and foster the treatment of acute trauma with emotional distress, and potential resultant PTSD.
  • Building our teams to foster research, organization, and corporate development.
  • Funding of our programs—those in process and those emerging.
  • Foster an awareness of who we are and what we do.
  • Continue to articulate the standard of care for ketamine practices.
  • Continue to uphold the ethical practice of KAP with our Guidelines.
  • Expand and continually modify our training programs and our KPA organization.
  • Bring KAP and ketamine practice abroad with training, consultation, and support for arising practices.
  • Build coalitions with sister organizations.
  • Continue our openness to creativity, new initiatives, and development of all possible elements of KAP practice
  • Publish a massive review of KAP practice based on our digitized Redcap program. Publish research and KAP methodology.
  • Lead the field in excellence, ethics and standard of care
  • Participate in the awakening to psychedelic assisted psychotherapy

There is much more in process, and we encourage donors to participate in our work and become familiar with what we do and who we are.

Your donations are greatly appreciated!

Hugs and love,
Phil Wolfson MD — Founder and CEO